Are all varieties of Aloe Vera suitable for the human body?

There are more than 300 varieties of aloes. However, not all of them have the properties and benefits that are known when talking about Aloe Vera. Only three or four species of this plant contain the well known and widespread medicinal and healing properties.
If you want to know everything about the aloe family and the beneficial varieties for the human body, read on.
What are the beneficial varieties?
– Aloe Barbadensis Miller: is the technical name for Aloe Vera. It is the best known species of all because of its healing properties. How to identify it? It usually reaches one meter in height. Its leaves grow vertically, are green and with white males that disappear as the Aloe Vera grows. At the ends of the leaves it has small hard and pointed filaments. It is widely used to treat burns and remove
– Aloe Arborescens: is known as the cousin of Aloe Vera because they are very similar and the healing properties of both are practically the same. How to identify it? Like Aloe Vera, Aloe Arborescens has large, fleshy, green leaves. The difference is that this variety grows in the shape of a shrub, reminiscent of an octopus and does not contain teeth on the edges of its leaves.
– Aloe Saponaria: also known as Pita Real, is another of the most common varieties. How to identify it? Its fleshy leaves with a high content of aloe juice stand out. These have a bluish green or reddish-brown color with whitish spots and also have the presence of thorns. At flowering time yellow or red flowers grow on top. The properties of Aloe Saponaria are very similar to those of Aloe Vera. It is also used to treat sunburn and also offers benefits for heart problems.
– Aloe Ferox: is one of the most different species and perhaps easy to recognize. How to identify it? It has a single stem that can measure from 2 to 3 meters. The leaves grow in rosette, as any of the varieties of aloe, are large, glaucous green and with reddish thorns at the ends. It has laxative properties and like the others, is used as a healing and to improve burns.
Responsible consumption of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera and its varieties are very easy to care for so its presence at home is very common. To this are added the properties and benefits it has for the human body. However, before proceeding to cut a stalk of the plant must know how to do so, because if you do not have the proper knowledge can damage the aloe.
In addition, all varieties contain Aloin, a compound present inside the leaves and that is harmful to health if ingested. It has a laxative effect that helps defecation, but also prevents the colon from reabsorbing water from the gastrointestinal tract.
To avoid the effects of Aloin when we want to consume Aloe Vera, it is best to buy pure Aloe Vera juice. In this way we ensure that the Aloe Vera will only offer our body benefits.
Another factor that must be taken into account is the proper preservation of the extracted Aloe Vera juice so that it does not suffer adverse effects.
In Verdeaurora Bio Farm we have an experience in which you will know all the secrets of Aloe Vera. A Workshop where you will learn how to cut the leaves correctly, how to extract the juice and preserve it to use it directly on your skin.